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Star Wars order movie

The order of the Star Wars movies

After Disney bought the rights to the Star Wars brand in 2012, a lot has happened in the Star Wars universe. Here we'll give you the chronological order of all Star Wars movies.

George Lucas had actually written three new stories that he wished Disney would make. Disney, however, wanted it differently and chose to write completely new stories for movies 7-9. George Lucas was already from the first film directed by J.J. Abrams, out of the picture.

George Lucas has since expressed his dissatisfaction with the fact that nothing had happened to the Star Wars universe - in the beginning. However, he is said to have softened up more with the subsequent films, and has also spoken positively about e.g. Rogue One.

Episode 8 (VIII) was directed by Rian Johnson, a movie that received generally good reviews. At the time of writing, it is at 90% on Rotten Tomatoes. However, the fans were not so crazy about the film and at Rotten the audience score is about 42% - OFF!

J.J. Abrams again took over the director's chair in film 9 (IX). The funny thing about that movie versus episode 8 is that the picture is completely different. The reviewers were not very positive with only 52% on Rotten and the audience with as much as 86%. It might just show that fans have a different desire and expectation of what Star Wars movies are and mean to them.

A lot has happened since Disney bought the rights to Star Wars and there are a lot of new movies and series on the way. One of the biggest and most popular initiatives Disney has made is without a doubt The Mandalorian

The series that premiered at Disney + November 2019 with the first season and since season 2 in October 2020.

Well, back to the order of the Star Wars movies. Lucas had originally planned a full nine episodes. Of which in the period 1977 to 1983, episodes 4-6 were recorded and released. The smart thing George Lucas did was actually direct the films in such a way that you did not have to know the prehistory.

Now to the actual list of movies + series

Star Wars Chronological Order:

  1. The Acolyte (TBA, Disney Plus)
  2. Star Wars The Phantom Menace (1999)
  3. Star Wars Attack of the Clones (2002)
  4. Star Wars The Clone Wars (2008-2020, TV series + Disney Plus)
  5. Star Wars Revenge of the Sith (2005)
  6. Star Wars The Bad Batch (2021, Disney Plus)
  7. Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
  8. Obi-Wan Kenobi series (2022, Disney Plus)
  9. Star Wars Rebels (2014-2018)
  10. Rogue One series Andor (2021, Disney Plus)
  11. Rogue One A Star Wars Story (2016)
  12. Star Wars A New Hope (1977)
  13. Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
  14. Star Wars Return of the Jedi (1983)
  15. Star Wars Resistance (2018, TV series)
  16. The Mandalorian (2019, Disney Plus)
  17. The Book of Boba Fett (2021, Disney Plus)
  18. Ahsoka (TBA, Disney PLus)
  19. Rangers of the New Republic (TBA, Disney Plus)
  20. Star Wars The Force Awakens (2015)
  21. Star Wars The Last Jedi (2017)
  22. Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker (2019)

Which of the upcoming movies and series are you most looking forward to?

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1 comment

Also für mich auf Platz 1 the acolyte Platz 2 jung jedi adventures und da kann mann Vorgeschichte von jedi Meister obi wan erkenn das er mit count Doku kämpft Platz 3 die Geschichte der jedi Platz 4 die dunkle Bedrohung Platz 5 the clone wars Platz 6 Angriff der klonkrieger Platz 7 the clone wars Platz 8 Platz the clone wars Platz 9 die rache der sith Platz 10 obi wan kneobi weil er bereut das er bei anakin einfach das in denn lava Grube zurück gelassen hat das er bei darth Vater noch nie besiegt das anaik gegen obi wan verloren hat Platz 11 Andor Platz 12 the Bad bitch Platz 13 roge one Platz 14 rebels 15 eine neue Hoffnung Platz 16 grugu a star wars Story Platz 17 das Imperium schlägt zurück Platz 18 ewoks Karawane der tapfere Platz 19 die Rückkehr der jedi Platz 20 das Buch boba Fett Platz 21 the mandalorin Platz 22 ahsoka Platz 23 Resistance Platz 24 das erwachen der macht Platz 25 resistance Platz 26 die drei schlechteste Filme Platz 27 solo a star wars Story Platz 28 die letzte jedi 29 aufstieg der skywalker und die dreien Filme haben die Regisseur darüber lustig gemacht und das sind die schlechteste Filme das in star wars Geschichten erzählt haben .

Tino Behnke

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